About us
We are a Catholic K-12 academy consisting of both local students and an international boarding school for High School boys seeking a Traditional Catholic education.
Mater Dei Academy provides children with a thorough Catholic education founded upon traditional principles. The school strives ultimately to form good Catholic citizens, men and women willing and able to work for the restoration of all things in Christ, freely submitting to the reign of Our Lord in the spiritual, moral, intellectual, and physical realms.
Our academy has a lower school Kindergarten through 8th Grade where young boys and girls are formed to understand the traditional aspects of education in consonance with the hand of Almight God and His divine plan for mankind. Beginning with the seventh grade, the boys' and girls' classrooms are segregated from each other to minimize distraction and focus on the increasingly demanding course content preparing them for secondary education.
Our academy offers an opportunity for boys from around the country and the world in grades 8-12 to apply for a spot in our dormitory as boarding students. The selection process for the limited number of boarding spots is one that we take very seriously and base acceptance on a thorough evaluation of the prospective student, his academic history, and a meeting with the student and his parents. The lack of available Traditional Catholic High Schools in the United States is a serious dilemna for many parents and families. Mater Dei Academy is honored to be able to offer the opportunity to a limited number of students to take advantage of a truly Catholic secondary education under the guidance of a staff of priests and dormotory fathers. While the decision to send a child to board away from his home and family is not always an easy one, the benefit certainly outweighs the alternative of a public high school environment and the significant dangers engendered in these institutions. Boarding Boys at Mater Dei Academy are provided with a home that is conducive to a life of study, daily exposure to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Divine Office, and local extra curricular activities including sports and local activities appropriate to season here in the Finger Lakes region of Central New York.